Pareciam completamente diferentes, mas as brigas eram exatamente por serem tão iguais. O encontro entre um furacão e um vulcão, por assim dizer. Dois desastres naturais apaixonados, que acharam a felicidade bem ali, entre lavas e redemoinhos. Se num segundo discutiam, no outro estavam na cama. Tudo o que viviam era intenso, sentido na pele. Mas, ao mesmo tempo, era essa explosão de sentimentos que os trazia paz. Eram as faíscas do abraço, o choque do beijo, o calor das mãos. Eram as mensagens que o corpo e a mente enviavam, a todo instante, dando a certeza de que não havia outra pessoa no mundo com quem eles queriam estar.
A perfect disaster
They seemed to be totally different, but the fights were exactly because they were so alike. The meeting between a hurricane and a volcano, so to speak. Two passionate natural disasters, which found happiness right there, between eruptions and swirls. If in a second they argued, the next minute they were in bed. All that they lived was intense, feeling by skin. But at the same time, it was that explosion of feelings that brought them peace. The sparks of the hug, the shock of the kiss, the warmth of the hands were the messages that body and mind sent, every moment, giving them the certainly that there was no other person in the world that they wanted to be with.
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